Your Ultimate Wellness Plan
We have created what we believe to be the Ultimate Wellness Plan to keep your pets healthy with a Simple, Affordable & Comprehensive Plan.
To start with we include Unlimited Vet and Nurse Consultations* there is no need to worry, we are here for you when you need us.
Click to Register - Your Ultimate Wellness Plan (DOG or CAT)
(Unlimited Consults & Nurse Consulations*)
- Unlimited Vet & Nurse consultations*
- Annual comprehensive health check
- Annual Vaccinations (Including Kennel Cough)
- Flea, Tick and Worming Treatment
- 50% Off Routine Neutering **
- Microchipping
- Nail Clipping
- Anal Gland Expression
- 20% off Dental procedures
- 10% off Virbac Food
- 5% off Vetsure Pet Insurance
£30 / per month
(1st Month £35 to Cover Admin Charge)

(Unlimited Consults & Nurse Consulations*)
- Unlimited Vet & Nurse consultations*
- Annual comprehensive health check
- Annual Vaccinations
- Flea, Tick and Worming Treatment
- 50% Off Routine Neutering **
- Microchipping
- Nail Clipping
- 20% off Dental procedures
- 10% off Virbac Food
- 5% off Vetsure Pet Insurance
£25 / per month
(1st Month £30 to Cover Admin Charge)